
Transfer order

Travel with us safely, cheap and comfortably to any international airport from Pécs and its sorroundings!


Our cars are modern with free wifi. 

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Bus order

Our company takes on accomplishing personal, tourist and work journeys!

Get in touch with us and our colleague will reach you and provide you with our price offer.

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Custom Travel

Our company takes on accomplishing personal journeys, trips and team building trainings!

Get in touch with us and our colleague will reach you and provide you with our price offer.

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About Us

Our company was founded in 2016, we carry out passenger transport and bus passenger services between Pécs International Airports and between International Airport Pécs.  Our cars are modern, our passengers have separate travel insurance valid during the course, our drivers have all the official permits to work. If you want to reach any destination quickly, safely and at an affordable price, please feel free to contact us.

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